Friday, February 6, 2009

A Child's Ambition

Here in Southeast Texas, we tolerate the mosquitoes, humidity and heat so that during the winter, we can have as exquisite a day as today is. Bright sunshine, a gentle breeze, crisp air and mild temperatures.

Brennan and Ella were playing so well outside that I decided to work in the garage for a while so I could keep an eye on them since they were in the front yard. (We have a terribly busy street and little play area) After drawing on the driveway with chalk, making a "hopscotch" wannabe and rolling a basketball to each other for a time, they climbed up on the trunk of my car to watch the cars and dog walkers go by. They couldn't have been more content, sitting there like they were on the main float in a parade. Shortly, the time arrived for my garbage/recycling pickup to come. When the garbage truck came, the kids were completely enthralled, remarking about what a great job that would be! When the recycling truck followed, Ella and Brennan did some pretty serious sparring about which would be the better position to have ... driving or being the "picker-upper". Finally, they concurred. Being the picker-upper would be much preferred, no doubt about it. I feel certain the closer to driving age they become, the more they will lean toward being the driver of the truck, but for now, hanging onto the back of that slow-moving truck and getting to scoop up the plastic bags and throw them with wild abandonment into the back of the truck would just be the best job they could ever imagine!!

No stigma there. That's what makes children such fun to observe. They say exactly what is on their mind (sometimes embarrassing) and they see the positive in things even when their elders may be disillusioned by experience, stereotype, prejudice or preconception.

Days like today are my reward for hanging in there on days that are, well, let's say, days that I am less reflective.


Proud Papa said...

love ya mom

Lisa said...

I love reading everything that you write. It feels like I am right there seeing it. Stories of the kids keeps me in stiches. Love it!

Chelle said...

"... less reflective." Nicely put. Thanks for all you do! Those kids are dang lucky to have you for a Nana!